If someone is sincerely being nice. Its not because he could get something from you but its because its the right thing to do.
And it'll be a shame on your part to misuse that privilege or take advantage of such person

Now am talking based on how I feel right now.
I think we as humans should be able to observe and know when we're doing things wrongly.
How people around us are being affected. Am not talking particularly to anyone but I just​ feel everyone should know.

Some people are not just good at complaining so they'll just keep quiet, they'll stall, they'll persevere hoping you'll turn around and see for yourself that you've been doing it wrong the whole time.
They'll wait for you to realize ur faults and sometimes they are affected emotionally when you turn blind to these signs.
They keep doing what they do but sadly cox why? They dont feel like complaining.

As humans, we must not be told everything. We have reasoning. If you know what is right, do it.
If you know the way you're living is affecting those around you, mend it.
You should think, really you should.

If someone is doing good, its because its good to do good. Don't fucking take advantage of it.

Written by Ephraim Kaz


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