Married men and the cookie - Uchenna


"All men have the tendency to cheat". This theory has been proven countless times. Most times I wonder why even after trying several jars and finally deciding to settle down to one jar and take vows (which are just mere say to many) to remain loyal and faithful, they still end up trying other jars. The rhetoric "Don't these men ever get satisfied?" Comes to mind
I was oportuned to speak to a "runs girl", who is very much proud of her trade. She said she prefers the married guys to the single guys (trust me I was shocked and almost soiled myself). She told me the married guys have one similar manner if approached. Her words; "they tell you their friendship(oh! Yes they call having a sex partner- friendship) with you doesn't entail sex only". They try to prove how self willed and in control they are by going the extra mile to say it doesn't change a thing if the girl is stripped naked. Whether or not they want a cookie is entirely their choice. If it isn't about the sex then what is it about? Reading? Studying? Praying??? Lol! These unfaithful men actually have daughters too but don't want them soiled. Instead they take pleasure in soiling some one else's daughter.
They keep the main jar at home and rent a room in a location where no one has any tangible information about them.  The badass ones take off their wedding bands and claim bachelorhood. Some even go as far as dressing like young guys of 20/22 making Falz's "baby boy" their anthem. Even the ones with protuding bellies form small boys lol! Some might not have protuding tummies and look all young and single but they have four to eight kids with their first born as your age mate. I call these ones 'FUCK-MEN"
They spend money like there's a money tree growing at their backyard (Fuck man that don't have money is that one Fuck man).  They tell lies that makes the devil doubt his title as "the father of all liars". These men can sweet talk for Africa.  They make you look bad if you tell them you look up to them as fathers and nothing else attached blah blah blah..  It's actually noise and whining to them and if you're not giving they drop you and jump to the next available jar. If you give in its either they retain you or still leave you to try other varieties of cookies. The badass ones have several jars at their beck and call.
Nevertheless I'd give a shout-out to the faithful guys out there. Sticking to one jar till death do them part. These loyal guys are the "REAL MEN" and they are the real deal.  Shout-out also to the jars that allow these Fuck men access to their cookies, Karma is watching you in 3D. Shebi one day you sef will be bound in marriage to a man and he'd cheat on you. Only then would you understand how it feels when your man is tapping from several sources.

Written By Uchenna Marvel


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